So I was thinking today while I was cutting some red oak and watching the yellowish chips accumulate that if I could name the tree I may call it yellow oak instead of red oak. This got me to thinking about other trees I would name if they weren’t already named. The other one that quickly came to mind was instead of sweet gum and Tupelo, I would just call them both “the devils stringy pubic hair”. Haha what names would you have for types of trees?
There's a neat little book titled something like "How trees got their names". Pretty good read for ten bucks or so. Interesting stuff, such as the caret in diamond sizes relates to the seed size of a carab tree seed. My spelling may be off on that.
Here are a couple for you. Sassafras = Root Beer Tree. Cedar = Insect fighter Tree. Beech = Hollow Home to Critters.
A few of mine... White Oak -- Firewood Tree. Red Oak -- Firewood Tree. Maple -- Firewood Tree. Locust -- Firewood Tree. Beech -- Firewood Tree. etc.
I think the first time I hit a piece of sweet gum with the maul and the maul almost hit me in the head, I would call it a rubber tree... Pin oak - litter box tree
Pretty sure I know what TurboDiesel Tim would call red oak.... the horsesh.t tree I consider the oaks and shag & pecan the Aroma of BTU’s tree family.